April 24, 2019

Meet The Honkers.

Andre: Operations. New Dad. Football & Basketball Enthusiast.

Startup Team Member

Ever open the HONK app and wonder how it all works? How do all those parking pins get on the map? How do the rates and times match the posted rates in the lot? Event rates – how do those work?

Enter Andre: Operations Manager here at HONK. Once we land a new partnership with a parking operator, municipality, airport or school, he’s the guy. He does all the zone things.

When Andre isn’t at the office doing all things parking, he’s likely at home spending quality time with his new baby girl <3. When not on diaper duty, he can be found cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles during football season and the Toronto Raptors the rest of the time.

HONK: Andre, can you take us through what it means to be Operations Manager at HONK? What responsibilities fall under your bucket? What’s the most challenging part about your job?

Andre: The most challenging part of the job is keeping up with the constant request of clients! Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that each day can bring new challenges, but at the same time it’s very easy to get overwhelmed with requests if I don’t stay organized and on top of things. Institutions, Private Parking Operators, and Municipalities have different visions, policies and requirements. This is where integrating what we do with their operations and technology is a never-ending cycle and involves constant change. As their systems and policies change, we have to make sure ours does as well to keep everything running smoothly.

HONK: What do you think the biggest misconception is around parking?

Andre: That there’s not a lot to the parking industry. I think when most people think of parking, they just think of a parking meter and coins, an app, or a hang tag. There’s actually a lot more depth to the parking industry, mostly involving logistics and technology. It’s a lot more complicated than how it actually comes across to the end user, but I guess that’s the way it should be.

HONK: Favourite office snack?

Andre: Popcorn. Oreos. Raw Mixed Nuts.

HONK: When not at work, where would you most likely be found?

Andre: Before my daughter was born, I could be found in my den on my laptop, at the gym or playing basketball or baseball. Now? I’ll be at home with my wife and daughter changing diapers and just hanging out.


HONK: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to parking?

Andre: Coming from someone who used to work in parking at an institution, it still annoys me when people don’t r-e-a-d! I see that many of the same issues pop up for HONK, as I did when I worked at my old job and it all involves people not reading signs or knowing what they are purchasing!

Well, there you have it! A quick look inside what it means to be Operations Manager at HONK!