New Year, New You: Lose That Infrastructure Weight and Go ‘Hardware Light’ in 2021

Cloud based parking payments | HonkMobile: Revolutionizing the way you park

2020 saw parking volumes way down and revenue goals unmet. And as a result, many budgets continue to be constrained. So what does this mean for your business goals in 2021?

The way we see it, the desired outcome of parking payments solutions (i.e., to create and foster a customer experience that keeps them coming back to park) hasn’t really changed, but the how has never been so mission critical.

It all comes down to this: We need to be smart(er) when it comes to investing in payment infrastructure. That’s where going ‘hardware light’ comes in.

Ready to shed some of that infrastructure weight? Then we’ve got a New Year’s resolution for you: Go with cloud-based contactless payments in 2021. Lighter on your wallet and your resources — but heavy in customer demand — contactless parking payments are truly a win-win. Whether you’re looking to downsize your hardware, or are aiming to add additional points-of-sale to your parking facility, cloud-based contactless payments are the all-around lighter option — especially for cash-conscious parking operators.

And guess what, our industry-leading, patent-pending HonkTAP Smart Stations are, ahem, the perfect example of a digital contactless payment solution that works as a standalone payment option, or in tandem with other payment solutions — whether that be parking meters, pay stations, or mobile apps.

For those unfamiliar with HonkTAP Smart Stations, they offer parkers an easy way to pay with their phone without having to download an app — no hardware required. Custom-branded HonkTAP Smart Stations give drivers a touch-free payment option, while keeping your hardware costs down. HonkTAP Smart Stations process the payment directly from  a driver’s phone and require no data, no power and can be located absolutely anywhere. Brilliant, right?

To help you better understand the value and benefit of going ‘hardware light,’ we’ve listed some of the main differences between traditional and contactless payment options below:

Save money

  • Traditional hardware is expensive, but touch-free HonkTAP Smart Stations are a fraction of the cost. For starters, there’s no upfront cost with Smart Stations. Consider the fact that hardware requires constant power and internet connectivity. HonkTAP Smart Stations do not. So you can say good-bye to those monthly expenses! Not to mention, hardware can break, resulting in downtime and requiring maintenance — sapping your money and manpower. HonkTAP Smart Stations have zero downtime and require absolutely no upkeep.

Prioritize health and safety

  • In today’s hyper-clean, safety-conscious environment, parkers are looking for the cleanest way to pay. Hardware is a high-touch point of sale — hundreds of people touch payment machines every single day. HonkTAP Smart Stations are 100% contactless and 100% germ-free.

Attract and retain customers

  • Cloud-based contactless payments make it easy to build customer loyalty and retention. Unlike traditional hardware, where there are no ways to integrate your marketing and loyalty efforts, HonkTAP Smart Stations come with these sorts of marketing capabilities built right in! Want to entice first-time parkers with a discount? No problem! You can easily set up custom promo codes for savings off their first purchase — one of the many ways to attract new customers and keep them loyal for years to come.

Increase compliance

  • There aren’t any hoops to jump through when it comes to digital contactless payments. No more lining up to pay or fiddling with your credit card at the machine! And with no app to download, it’s an incredibly fast and easy way to pay. Simply tap or scan your phone, and voila! By reducing time-consuming hurdles to making a payment, HonkTAP Smart Stations increase compliance — meaning more revenue in your pockets.

There’s no denying one silver lining of the toughest year in living memory: COVID-19 has given our industry the downtime needed to reevaluate current payment solutions, and freed up the resources to make much-needed changes to our infrastructure. So once we’re (finally!) on the other side of this pandemic, the parking industry’s payments infrastructure will be cheaper, more customer-centric, and as a result, better for the bottom line.

Ready to take the first step in shedding that hardware weight? Learn more about our HonkTAP Smart Stations by clicking on the link below to schedule a demo with a member of our team.