Consumers have come to expect easy, touchless payment options in every aspect of their life – from the gas station to their local coffee shop, nobody touches a POS device and even fewer people use cash. Why should parking be any different? If anything, parking should be the one area where quick, easy, and safe contactless parking payments are the norm. Scan-to-park makes it easy. Imagine…
No downloading app
No signing up for an account
No loading a mobile wallet with a minimum amount
No waiting in line
No using a high-touch payment kiosk that thousands of people have already touched
No fiddling with change
No pulling out a credit card from your wallet, or digging inside your purse
(You’re not dreaming! This is real!)
This is where scan-to-park comes in.
We’ve removed the last obstacles and excuses drivers might have for not wanting to go through the motions of paying for parking. No credit card? We take debit! Running late? Payments take under 15 seconds! Here’s the kicker: Because QR codes are everywhere these days – users are already extremely familiar with this not so new technology. The transition to scan-to-park and digital parking passes doesn’t require any consumer education whatsoever.
So how exactly does scan-to-park work? Here’s what it looks like for un-begrudging parkers:
Driver opens their phone’s camera and scans the QR code located in the parking lot
The driver is taken to a mobile guest checkout page with both rate and location pre-populated
Driver selects their rate and adds their license plate
After selecting their payment option of choice (Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Interac Debit, or any major credit card), Driver taps “Click to pay”
Driver receives their receipt via email, and is given the option to receive a notification 15 minutes before their session expires (with the ability to add more time)
We would never go an entire post without patting ourselves on the back! HONK’s scan-to-park solution integrates with Apple App Clips to give customers that beloved native iOS experience… without downloading an app or signing up. Super seamless and simple, right?
So simple, in fact, that the HONK parking app was featured at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference 2021 — as the gold international standard for what an App Clip should be. Our users love our design and user flow so much that they regularly go to social media to exclaim their love and adoration. Getting people excited about paying for parking? Grudge be gone!
Getting people excited about paying for parking? Now that speaks for itself!

And there you have it: The easiest, quickest, safest option for drivers to pay for parking — in a way that sucks a whole lot less! (Plus, it’s a lot more pleasant for parking operators too… but we’ll leave that for another blog post.)