HONK Launches Parking Solution in City of Kingston

Kingston Ontario Parking - HONK | Enjoy easy parking with HonkMobile

Kingston, ON, November 7th, 2017 – HONK, North America’s fastest and most convenient way to find and pay for parking, today announced an expansion to the City of Kingston. Drivers in Kingston can now pay for many off-street municipal parking lots with any internet connected device using HONK.

The HonkAPP allows drivers to search, pay for, and top up parking directly from any smartphone, tablet or computer. When motorists pay for parking with HONK, parking enforcement officers will see a real-time list of license plates that have paid – eliminating the need to display a paper receipt. To cut down on parking tickets and increase compliance, the app sends a text notification 15 minutes before the parking session is set to expire – allowing users to extend their session, avoiding having to rush back to feed the meter.

Motorists can now pay for parking using HONK at many off-street municipal parking lots, including: Barrack, Drury, Frontenac, Angrove, Springer Memorial, McKee Memorial, Armstrong Memorial, King/Queen, Ontario/Brock and Upper & Lower Robert Bruce.

“I’m thrilled to see the City parking app launch this week. Being able to pay for parking with your phone will make life simple and more convenient for Kingstonians and those visiting the downtown,” said Mayor Bryan Paterson. “These are the type of innovations that move our community forward and contribute to our vision of Kingston as a smart, livable, 21st century city!”

“HONK is very excited to partner with Kingston to improve the parking experience for residents and visitors to the city,” said HONK Founder and CEO Michael Back. “It’s really a win-win for the municipality and its motorists. The ease and convenience of the app saves motorists the time of standing in front of a parking meter waiting for the session to process, giving them more time to enjoy all that Kingston has to offer.”

Several other municipalities in the region have added HONK as an additional way of paying for parking, including: Gananoque, St. Catharines, Waterloo and Oakville. Drivers will have access to all of Kingston’s off-street parking marked by HONK signage. HONK is excited to help Kingston continually provide its residents and visitors with technological solutions to make day-to-day living easier.